
    Let me share you a story of young man who has been trapped on being discriminated because of their social status. This young man belongs to the poorest of the poor families who lives in a shanty area of his province. And such discrimination led to his mental disorder and later on died. 

    Discrimination is said to be the unfair or prejudicial treatment of people and groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age or sexual orientation. It is how people treat others badly because they are different from them. We ca be discriminated based on the way we look, based on the person's lifestyle, their choice of clothing, their age or their disabilities whether they are a member of or fit in with a social clique (group), social class, socia
l status or caste, and many other reasons. This can happen in our school, in our circle of friends, in our society and even in our own families.

    With such description, let me give some tips on how to deal with the rampant discrimination in our society. It is really important to put physical health and mental well-being in order while dealing with discrimination.

    First, focus on your strengths. Focusing on your core values, beliefs and perceived strengths can motivate people to succeed, and may even buffer the negative effects of bias. Overcoming hardship can also make people more resilient and better able to face future challenges.

    Second is to seek support systems. One problem with discrimination is that people can internalize others’ negative beliefs, even when they’re false. You may start to believe you’re not good enough. But family and friends can remind you of your worth and help you reframe those faulty beliefs.

    Lastly is to get involved. Support doesn’t have to come from people in your family or circle of friends. You can get involved with like-minded groups and organizations, whether locally or online. It can help to know there are other people who have had similar experiences to yours. And connecting with those people might help you figure out how to address situations and respond to experiences of discrimination in ways you haven’t thought of.

       Now, this has been Lhea Mhay Aliwalas leaving you a reminder that discrimination should be taken seriously, and we should be open for each individual differences as we have our own unique characteristics, talents and traits.

Credits to the owner of the picture.


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